Content is Your Best Asset
You need content to get your message out. But getting that message delivered properly is not easy. At All.
That’s because there’s a lot of word noise out there – written and visual content that’s plain boring. Or nonsensical. Confusing. Not Helpful.
And there’s a reason for that.
Little known fact: excellent writing is a super power.
Truth. There’s a big difference between putting words together (think of the last holiday newsletter you dutifully read) – and communicating an idea that inspires an “a-Ha!” moment in someone else.
If writing isn’t your super power – there’s good news. Experienced help just a few clicks away.
How can I help?
Featured Articles
We have met the enemy, and it is us
I sat at a Starbucks and overheard an interview. I didn’t mean to, but it was uncharacteristically unpopulated in the lobby, and I was being uncharacteristically quiet. Plus they were loud. A smartly dressed woman was trying to interview a man for a contract position....
Tips for those who tweak and critique
A gentle answer deflects anger, but harsh words make tempers flare. Amirite? That old proverb works in a variety of social situations, not the least of which is when you’re providing a critique of someone’s content. And for the record, while “gentle” here means...
Make your one-pager a showcase
What is it about the fantastic windows of big department stores during the holidays? The beautifully-lit cases in posh jewelry stores? The elegant glass display cabinets in arty museums? They’re designed to give you a bit of a thrill, and in all honesty, they usually...